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BEyond CURIOSity: Cultural Values and Democracy

Conducted by Giorgio Bacchiega, Amateo Research Officer

Tuesday 12th December
9.30 – 11.00 GMT / 10.30 – 12.00 CET

On the December 12th, Amateo organized the webinar BEyond CURIOSity: Cultural Values and Democracy, the first in a series of events focusing on research and practice in the participatory arts field.

Conducted by Giorgio Bacchiega, Director of the Milan’s Urban Peripheries Research Centre for Consulta Periferie Milano, lecturer at the Catholic University of Milan and Research Officer at Amateo, the meeting was dedicated to mapping the landscape of academic research (and connected best practices) on the relationship between active cultural participation and civic and democratic outcomes.

Understanding the key concepts

At the heart of research in participatory arts and democracy lies the exploration of several key concepts, such as cultural democracy and cultural democratization, community engagement, social inclusion, digital citizenship and the relationship between art and politics. Researchers are delving into how participatory arts can foster inclusivity, encourage dialogue, and empower individuals and communities to play an active role in shaping their societies.

The Role of Artistic Expression in Democracy

Research has explored how artistic expression contributes to democracy. It provides a space for individuals to critically examine societal issues, challenge the status quo, and envision alternative futures. Participatory arts help individuals think critically about their role as citizens and their responsibilities in a democratic society. They can also serve as a bridge between diverse communities, fostering understanding and cooperation.

Future Directions

Participatory arts have been increasingly recognized as a powerful catalyst for democratic engagement and social change. As research in this field continues to expand, the landscape of participatory arts and democracy is evolving, shedding light on its profound impacts and potential for transformation. As we move forward, it is essential to foster collaboration between artists, researchers, policymakers, and communities. Such collaboration will facilitate a deeper understanding of the transformative power of participatory arts and their role in enhancing democratic engagement.

The landscape of research on participatory arts and democracy is a dynamic and evolving field that promises to reshape our understanding of how arts and democracy intersect. As researchers continue to explore its multifaceted dimensions, even more profound and positive impacts on society and democracy as a whole are on the horizon. More info to follow.


10.30 Welcome
10.40 Presentation – Giorgio Bacchiega
11.10 Open floor for discussion and questions
11.30 Summary and close

Consulta Periferie Milano is a network-centric platform (formally a second-level association of undertakings or association of associations of undertakings) formed by 36 cultural, charity, trade, visual and performing arts organisations, cultural centres and local newspapers active in the peripheries of Milan with the purpose of drawing constant attention and find original solutions to the problems of the multifaceted peripheral landscape of Milan in cooperation with academic, political and societal forces.

Giorgio Bacchiega (Milano, Italy)

Director of the Milan’s Urban Peripheries Research Centre for Consulta Periferie Milano, lecturer at the Catholic University of Milan and Research Officer at Amateo

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